Here’s my latest video – the first in a short series about the ‘Path With Heart’. Let me know what you think, OK ?

Wow ! Dance Mania ! Does this make you wanna get up and dance or what ?!!!

Still tear up at this one…

Journey at their best – deep from the heart – haunting, even.

Does it make you feel lovelorn too ?

Guess I’ve always loved melancholy music…

Here’s a great weepy one for ya’ – Bruce Hornsby mourning a lost love, heartbreaking and beautiful.

Had to share it, my friends.

This has to be one of the saddest songs I know, yet I love it very much.

Norma Jean Baker/Marilyn Monroe – tragic and doomed – her story still echoes in many hearts (mine included).

I love watching ol’ Elton channeling Mozart – and bringin us this classic.

Hope you enjoy it.

This vid kinda’ blows my mind – I mean, I have heard of League of Legends; even seen some characters, the manga – ya’ know what I mean.

But I’d never seen anyone create a music video with it – and this is cool as hell !

So I thought I’d share – yeah, i know – 148 million people were there before I “discovered” it (LOL).

Oh well. Had to post it – hope you enjoy it a tenth as much as i do !

Forgive me for goin’ all ‘retro 80’s’ on ya’ – but I love this song, and I really can’t help myself – what’s a website for, if you can’t indulge whatever whims grab ya’ ? Hope you enjoy it – brings back a good decade for me.

And if you wanna hurl abuse or make snarky comments – that’s great ! Just post it below !

Cheers !

This song got me through a lot of tough times.

Kyrie Elaison – ancient Greek for “Lord have mercy on us” – or, in modern terms, ‘may God/Goddess be with you”.

I’m not religious – but the way this song lifts your spirit, and soars upwards towards that ‘greater-than-the-self’ speaks to me. I hope you don’t mind – just wanted to share that with you, ’til I put some video seminars here. Take care, and hope you enjoy.

Cheers ! videos coming soon ! videos coming soon !

As long as I’m doing this, figured I’d add ANOTHER old favorite – Journey, Don’t Stop Believin.

Hope you enjoy it as much as i do (and if you don’t – post a comment below – tell me what you DO like, OK ?).


What the hell – just ONE more – OK ?

Love this Pretty Maids song – Hell On High Heels – in my humble opinion it seriously rocks.

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