My Interview on Marisa Donnely’s podcast went live !

Great stuff – her specialty is vulnerability, and this was a VERY special session. Here’s the podcast…


and the link, if you’d like to visit her site…

I’ve been slacking lately on posting podcast info – sorry about that ! I’ve done several wonderful interviews with my friend (and co-founder of the Speaking From Our Hearts charity) Paul Lowe, and here’s a link to one of them about creating intimacy:


My interview with Scott Berry and Joshua Wenner went live recently – a great interview about life transformationm after trauma. Check it out ! Here’s the link:

My interview with Trey Downes just went live. Here’s the link to the itunes podcast…

My recent interview with Bruce Langford on the Mindfulness Mode is now live ! This was a truly incredible interview – and Bruce is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. He also loved my book (which is a quick way to win an author’s heart !). 

Click on the link below to Bruce’s site, and the podcast:

Just had an excellent interview on Carla Maree’s podcast – The Happy Hour. Carla is a sweet, positive person, and we had a wonderful conversation.

The show will air in a few weeks – and – as always – it will appear here for your listening pleasure the moment it becomes available. 

Thanks for dropping by; keep checking back for more podcast updates !

Here’s the first podcast to go live – the interview I did with Keri Roberts.

Great tools, tips and techniques for creating a happy, fulfilling life. Listen in, and tell me what you think by adding a comment below, Ok ?

You can listen to the podcast posted here, or click on the link, and download it from iTunes.

Thanks, and enjoy !

Just had a fantastic interview with Paul Lowe on his show – Mastering Life (today – 1/17/19). We covered a wide range of greaqt issues – belief systems and regaining your freedom; bringing love flowing into your life, the TRUE fountain of youth, and lots more. I’ll post it here as soon as it airs – which Paul tells me will be March 5th. There are other shows planned – so I’ll keep you up to date as things develop. And thanks for visiting !

Had a wonderful interview with Bruce Langford today (Jan 15th) on his podcast Mindfulness Mode. Bruce LOVES Lasting Happiness, which makes me VERY very happy ! Nothing like praise to warm an author’s heart, right ? Anyway – the show will air (go live) on Jan. 27th, and the minute it does, I’ll be posting it here. Cheers !

Had a wonderful interview with Keri Roberts today (Jan. 2nd) – which will air on Jan. 21st. It will be available for downloading here as soon as I get my hands on it – and I think you’ll enjoy it. Keri’s a great person, and we connected very well – which makes for an insightful conversation. Cheers !

Had a great interview with Marc Guberti, on his podcast – Your Breakthrough Success. It will air on Feb 28th – and i’ll keep you posted. I’ll make it available here as soon as i get a copy of it. 

Had a great interview on Nov. 29th with Trey Downes on his show – Your Superior Self.

I’ll post it here as soon as it’s available – sometime in January, ’19. Thanks for your patience !

Had the pleasure of a great interview with Dr. Vic Manzo on his show – The Mindful Experiment, on Dec. 4th.

I’ll be posting it here as soon as it’s available – probably in late January ’19.


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